Overview of agrometeorological situation of September 19, 2023

In the second half of the growing season the development of corn on the territory of Belarus took place with good heat supply ahead of last year's deadlines. In most parts of the country enough heat has accumulated for the maturation of early and medium–ripened varieties of corn, in the southern regions of the Brest region and in many areas of the Gomel region - for medium-late hybrids of corn sown at the optimal time.
According to the latest data corn has mostly full grain ripeness in the uncollected fields and waxy ripeness in the northern regions of the country.
The increased temperature regime since mid-August and the lack of precipitation have led to a loss of soil moisture, as a result, moisture reserves under corn in some areas of the southern part of the country are low. In places on light soils, due to lack of moisture, the condition of the green mass could deteriorate.
This week weather conditions will mainly contribute to the ripening of corn grains as well as harvesting operations.
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