Overview of agrometeorological situation of September 17, 2024

The rains that took place at the end of last week moistened the soil very unevenly. According to the latest data from visual observations in a significant part of the territory of the western half of the Republic the upper 10-centimeter soil layer is well moistened. Conditions for sowing and the emergence of winter grain crops have improved here. In the extreme southwestern regions of the Brest region, where very heavy rains have passed, waterlogging of the soil is observed. At the same time, in most of the territory of the eastern half of the country, the upper 10-centimeter soil layer is still dry or poorly moistened. Difficult conditions remain in such areas for the emergence of seedlings and the further development of winter crops.
In the near future, due to the increased temperature regime and mainly rain-free weather, areas with a lack of soil moisture may expand again. At the same time, agrometeorological conditions will facilitate harvesting operations.
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