Overview of agrometeorological situation of September 15, 2023

The past rains have moistened the soil on the territory of Belarus very unevenly. The rains replenished soil moisture reserves in the central region of the republic most significantly. According to the latest data of visual observations in most of the territory of the Minsk region, in other areas the upper 10-centimeter layer of soil is in a well-moistened state. Here the conditions for tillage, sowing of winter crops and the emergence of seedlings have improved. In a significant part of the country's territory, at a depth of 10 cm, the soil is still poorly moistened or dry. In the near future, due to the local nature of the expected rains the lack of moisture in the soil will remain in part of the areas.
Seedlings of winter cereals appear mainly a week after sowing. According to a number of weather stations, due to lack of moisture, the duration of the "sowing-sprouting" period increased to one and a half to two weeks.
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