Overview of agrometeorological situation of October 29, 2020

According to the latest data of visual observations, in most of the territory of Belarus, the topsoil is in a moderately moist state. Only in some places in the north-east of Belarus is the waterloggedness of the soil. The emerging agrometeorological conditions are quite favorable for the completion of harvesting and winter tillage. Belarusian farms continue to harvest sugar beets, late vegetables, corn for grain, and the harvesting of corn for silage is nearing completion.
The unusually warm weather for this time extended the autumn growing season of winter crops. Tillering is observed almost everywhere on winter wheat crops. In rye and triticale, tillering was noted in the plots sown before September 25-28. Seedlings are observed on late October crops. In winter rape, the leaf rosette continues to form. In early November, due to the expected decrease in temperature, the growing season of winter crops will slow down.