Overview of agrometeorological situation of October 24, 2023

Passing rains increase the moisture content in the soil, the most significant reserves of soil moisture have been replenished in the north-western half of Belarus. According to the latest observation data in most districts of the Vitebsk and in a large part of the Grodno region the upper 10-centimeter soil layer is heavily moistened. It is difficult to carry out field agricultural work on waterlogged areas.
In most of the republic the topsoil is in a moderately moist state. The lack of moisture in the upper layers of the soil which persisted for a long time in the south-eastern region of the country has been eliminated.
In the near future unstable weather with precipitation will complicate harvesting operations. Due to the threat of frost, especially in the northern and north-eastern regions of the republic, agricultural products should not be left unprotected in the fields.
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