Overview of agrometeorological situation of November 18, 2022

According to the results of the route survey, winter crops on the main massifs are in good condition. Tillering of winter grain crops (the optimal phase for overwintering) was observed on several larger areas than last year – on average in Belarus by almost 70% of the surveyed fields. In the germination phase, winter crops stopped growing by an average of 8% of the surveyed fields in the country. The most developed crops are in the Grodno region, the least – in the Vitebsk, Mogilev and Gomel regions. The condition of winter rapeseed in 87% of the inspected fields is good. About half of the surveyed fields in the Vitebsk region are in satisfactory condition. There are mainly 5-9 leaves in the leaf rosette of winter rapeseed, 10-12 leaves have formed in some fields.
Due to the cold snap, the vegetation of winter crops has stopped, the plants are undergoing a hardening stage.
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