Overview of agrometeorological situation of May 30, 2023

During the month (from the end of April to the end of May) in most of the territory of Belarus, the amount of precipitation did not exceed 5-15% of the climatic norm. As a result of the lack of precipitation throughout the Vitebsk region and in most areas of the Gomel region, the upper 10-centimeter soil layer is completely dried up. In other areas, at a depth of 10 cm, there is mainly weak soil moisture. This is unfavorable for the emergence of shoots of late crops, in some observed fields in the Vitebsk region, the shoots of spring grain crops are sparse. According to individual weather stations, yellowing and twisting of leaves began on crops of grain crops. The developing agrometeorological situation (deterioration of moisture availability, often cool nights) does not have the best effect on the regrowth of grasses after mowing.
In the near future, the continuing shortage of precipitation will cause a further decrease in soil moisture reserves, areas with soil drought will expand. Due to the threat of frost at night on May 31 in some areas of the Vitebsk region, it is necessary to take care of the shelter of heat-loving plants.
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