Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Overview of agrometeorological situation of May 27, 2022

On winter crops, the growth of the stem continues, the formation of internodes and spikes is underway. Heading began in the southern half of the republic. Due to the predominance of a lower temperature regime, development is lagging behind. In April crops, spring grain crops are mainly tillering and growing into a tube; in some places in the south-west of the country, a lower culm knot is noted. Seedlings and a third leaf are observed on May crops.
The lack of heat this spring delayed the beginning of the harvesting of perennial grasses and had a bad effect on the formation of the herbage. In the southern part of Belarus, early-ripening cereal grasses began heading, some meteorological stations near alfalfa noted the appearance of inflorescences, which indicates the readiness of grasses for the first mowing.
Cool weather with rains, expected until the end of May, will complicate the preparation of fodder, carrying out protective measures to care for crops.
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