Overview of agrometeorological situation of March 29, 2022

The border of moderate humid consistence of upper 10-centimeters soil layer from south regions was advanced on the west and central regions of Belarus. It allowed to activate field agricultural work. Under the influence of negative temperatures upper soil layer often freezes though in the night time. Due to long-term deficit of precipitation on the light soils, flaw moisture is felt in places of the south-west part of the republic. In the north-east part of the country the soil still waterlogged in general. Here the selective field agricultural work can be possible. In some areas in the far northeast, little snow cover remains on the fields.
Cold weather, which is expected in the end of March and the beginning of April, is delaying vegetation of winter crops and perennial herbs, will be unfavorable for carrying out field agricultural work. At night, the topsoil layer will periodically freeze slightly, the prevailing soil temperature will remain below the optimum for sowing early spring crops. At the same time, the expected precipitation should replenish the moisture content in the upper layers of the soil.