Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Overview of agrometeorological situation of June 4, 2021

In May and early June, a shortage of heat remained in most of the republic. Effective temperatures above +5°С during this time have accumulated less than the average long-term indicators. At the same time, the accumulated effective heat is sufficient for the beginning of earing of early-maturing cereal grasses, mainly in the southern half of the republic, the appearance of inflorescences in alfalfa and clovers is noted. These are the optimal stages of development for harvesting fodder; the first grass mowing is carried out on the country's farms. In the observed fields, the height of cereal grasses is generally slightly higher than last year's values for the same period, the height of alfalfa in many of the observed fields, on the contrary, is slightly inferior to last year's.
In the near future, the abundance of moisture and moderately warm weather will promote the growth of grasses. Expected intermittent rain on some days it can complicate the conditions for the hay-making that has begun.

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