Overview of agrometeorological situation of June 24, 2022

According to the latest observational data, in most of the republic, spring barley began heading, oats - panicle heading, in the southern regions wheat began to head, and its flowering began. In the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions, the growth of the stem continues in spring grain crops. Visual assessments of the state of spring crops are dominated by good ones, a satisfactory state is noted in some places in the Vitebsk region.
Heavy rains and wind in some fields at the beginning of the week caused lodging of grain crops. At the same time, rains over most of the territory of Belarus significantly replenished the content of soil moisture. however, in a number of districts of the Brest and Gomel regions, the lack of moisture in the soil persists. In the near future, the expected elevated temperature regime will accelerate the development of plants; predominantly dry weather will lead to a decrease in moisture reserves in the soil.
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