Overview of agrometeorological situation of July 7, 2022

According to the latest observational data, grain is being poured almost everywhere on winter grain crops (rye, wheat, triticale). In the southern part of the republic, the ripening of winter rye has begun – waxy ripeness has come. In many regions of Belarus, grain filling has also begun in spring grain crops. The low temperature regime established in the greater part of the republic will contribute to the formation of the ear, increase the duration of grain filling. The rains that took place the day before most significantly replenished the reserves of soil moisture in the western part, in the central and northern regions of Belarus. After heavy rains, weather stations note waterlogging of the upper soil layer, partial lodging of grain crops. At the same time, due to the uneven distribution of precipitation in a number of districts of Gomel and in the south-eastern half of the Brest region, the lack of moisture in the soil persists.
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