Overview of agrometeorological situation of July 29, 2022

Due to the lack of heat in July, the development of corn and the growth of green mass is lagging behind last year's deadlines. The sum of effective temperatures accumulated at the end of July is above +10°C turned out to be about the average long-term values. On the main arrays of corn, reproductive organs are being formed – the panicle has been swept out, the panicle and the cob are blooming. In the fields sown mainly in the second half of May and in early June, leaf formation continues.
In the near future, good moisture availability will contribute to the formation of a corn cob on the larger territory of the republic. Conditions for harvesting grain crops, winter rapeseed, flax pulling due to unstable weather will not develop in the best way. The expected rains will make it difficult to carry out hay harvesting, may create prerequisites for the development of diseases.
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