Overview of agrometeorological situation of July 28, 2023

In recent days, unstable weather with rains has been holding back the ripening of bread, drying of grain and the pace of harvesting. After the past rains on most of the territory of Belarus, the upper 10-centimeter layer of soil is well moistened. Intense precipitation in the east of the republic and in places in the southern part led to waterlogging of the soil, in such areas the work of equipment is difficult.
According to the latest data, winter grain crops have reached full ripeness in most of the territory of Belarus, in the northern part and in the east of the republic, mainly wax ripeness of grain is noted. Spring grains are maturing, and in many southern and central regions full ripeness of grain has been noted. In some places in the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions, spring grain crops continue to pour grain.
In the coming days, the expected short-term rains will continue to restrain the drying of grain and the pace of harvesting.
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