Overview of agrometeorological situation of July 23, 2024

The rains observed in the second decade of July in most of the territory of the republic maintained sufficient reserves of soil moisture. According to the results of instrumental determination of humidity in most observation sites under potatoes, root crops, corn and herbs, the reserves of productive moisture in the half-meter soil layer are good. Due to the uneven distribution of precipitation across the territory of Belarus there was a lack of soil moisture in some areas. In the far west of the Brest and Vitebsk regions, in places in the south-east of the country the reserves of productive moisture were low. At the same time, in some northern regions of the Vitebsk region, moisture reserves in the soil turned out to be increased.
In the coming days the expected rains mainly in the western part of the country will maintain sufficient moisture supply of crops. At the same time precipitation moistens the stems of grain crops and restrains the pace of harvesting bread.
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