Overview of agrometeorological situation of July 15, 2022

At the end of June and in the first half of July, weather stations selectively conducted a survey of flax crops. The predominant height of plants in the surveyed fields was 70-85 cm, in places mainly in the Mogilev region it reached 90-100 cm, in some areas in the Gomel region – 60-65 cm. The height of the technical part of the stem in most of the surveyed fields turned out to be 60-80 cm, in some areas of the southern part of the republic – 50-55 cm. The infestation of crops is weak. In most of the inspected fields, the condition of flax is assessed as good. In the Gomel region, due to a prolonged lack of moisture, yellowing of leaves and stems, drying of plants was noted on part of the areas.
According to the latest data, flax is in the "green ripeness of seeds" phase, in some places "early yellow ripeness" is the optimal phase for harvesting. After the intense rains that took place in July, there is a lodging of crops.
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