Overview of agrometeorological situation of July 11, 2023

In the first decade of July, there was a shortage of precipitation in most of Belarus, only in some areas, mainly in the southeastern half of the country, precipitation fell or more. Nevertheless, according to the results of instrumental determination of humidity in most of the republic, the reserves of productive moisture in the soil remain sufficient. The low temperature regime and good moisture supply are favorable for the development of root crops, potatoes, grass regrowth after mowing, and also contribute to an increase in the duration of filling the ear of grain crops. At the same time, due to a shortage of precipitation, satisfactory and low moisture reserves were noted in part of the areas under grain crops.
This week, areas with a lack of soil moisture may expand, since the expected rains will be local in nature. Due to the gradual increase in the temperature regime, agrometeorological conditions will contribute to the ripening and drying of grain of ear crops.
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