Overview of agrometeorological situation of July 1, 2022

Despite the establishment of hot and dry weather in most of the territory of the republic, there is still sufficient moisture supply for agricultural crops. The abundance of soil moisture was supported by intense rains that took place in most parts of the country at the beginning of the third decade of June. However, in the southern regions of Belarus, where precipitation is still low, the intensity of soil drought has intensified, and areas with low moisture reserves have expanded. Here, in many areas, primarily under cereal crops and grasses, at the time of determining soil moisture, a lack of moisture was noted. A number of meteorological stations in the Gomel region, due to yellowing and curling of the leaves of grain crops, reduced the visual assessment of the state of crops to satisfactory. It should be noted that in some areas of this area at the end of the month there were moderate and heavy rains that replenished the content of soil moisture. In the coming days, the expected rains should increase moisture reserves in the Brest region.
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