Overview of agrometeorological situation of January 23, 2024

The agrometeorological conditions for overwintering winter crops and perennial grasses in Belarus are developing satisfactorily. After the last snowfalls in the second decade of January the height of the snow cover in the fields is higher than the average long-term one for midwinter, only in the northern regions of the country it is close to normal. The depth of soil freezing ranges from 10-20 cm to 30-45 cm. In the southern part and in the west of the republic the freezing is less than 10 cm or the soil is thawed, the soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node of winter crops is close to 0°C. Under such conditions plants under high snow cover have an increased consumption of nutrients. In the rest of Belarus the soil temperature at a depth of 3 cm was within -1 - 3°C, in the east of the Vitebsk region it dropped to -4 - 6°C.
By the end of January the agrometeorological conditions for overwintering winter crops will not change significantly, low temperatures dangerous for winter crops are not expected.
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