Overview of agrometeorological situation of February 22, 2024

According to the latest data, a small snow cover is observed in fields with wintering crops in a significant part of the territory of Belarus, there is no snow in the southern part and in the west of the republic. Soil freezing is also small, only in the north-east of the country it is more significant. In the western, southwestern and some southeastern regions, the soil is thawed.
The soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node of winter cereals still exceeds the optimal values which provokes an increased consumption of nutrients in plants, creates prerequisites for the development of diseases. In the northern half of the country, in places in the fields, an ice crust lapped to the soil has spread. This can negatively affect the condition of winter crops.
In the third decade of February the increased temperature regime will contribute to the destruction of snow cover and further thawing of the soil.
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