Overview of agrometeorological situation of February 16, 2023

Overwintering of agricultural crops takes place in conditions of predominance of thawing weather. The short cold snap observed in the first decade of February did not pose a threat to winter crops. The minimum soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node of winter cereals and the root neck of perennial grasses did not fall to dangerous values. In most of the territory of the republic, the height of snow cover in the fields does not exceed 1-7 cm, in the southern half of the country there is no snow. Only in some areas of Vitebsk and in the north of Minsk and Mogilev regions, the snow cover is higher. The depth of soil freezing remains small, in places the soil is thawed.
In the near future, the agrometeorological conditions for wintering crops on the main massifs will develop satisfactorily. In a number of districts of the Gomel region, where winter crops are flooded by river waters, the situation remains difficult.
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