Overview of agrometeorological situation of August 9, 2022

At the end of last week, the past rains in a number of regions of the republic briefly reduced the pace of harvesting grain crops. In some areas of Vitebsk and Mogilev regions, where the most intense rains took place, waterlogging of the upper soil layer was observed. In such areas, the work of equipment was difficult. Harvesting of grain crops is carried out mainly at full ripeness, the humidity of the harvested grain is within the conditioned and higher. According to the latest visual observations in the predominant territory of Belarus, the upper 10-centimeter layer of soil is in a moderately moist state, which provides favorable conditions for sowing mowing and crop crops, harvesting. In places on light soils, the topsoil is poorly moistened. Weather conditions in the coming week will allow us to maintain a good pace of harvesting.
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