Overview of agrometeorological situation of August 25, 2020

The rains lasted have replenished the soil moisture content, especially in its upper layers. The upper 10-centimeter soil layer in most areas of the republic is in a moderately moist state, which is favorable for soil cultivation, seed germination and the emergence of seedlings of winter cruciferous crops according to the latest visual data. In the north of the Grodno and Mogilev regions, as well as in the southeast of the Vitebsk region the top layer of the soil turned out to be waterlogged after intense rains. However, due to the uneven distribution of precipitation in some areas of the southeastern region and in the western part of the country, insufficient moisture remains in the upper 10-centimeter soil layer. In some places in Gomel, in the west of Vitebsk and in the east of Grodno regions, the soil is still dry at a depth of 10 centimeters.
In the near future, the expected rains will maintain sufficient moisture supply for crops. Areas with good soil moisture will expand. At the same time, the rains will complicate the completion of the harvesting of grain crops, the harvesting of cereal crops.