Overview of agrometeorological situation of August 18, 2023

In recent days favorable agrometeorological conditions have been developing for harvesting and forage harvesting. However, the established hot weather causes the loss of soil moisture, especially from the upper layers of the soil.
According to the latest data of visual observations in most of the territory of the republic the upper 10-centimeter layer of soil is in a slightly moist state. In places in the southern regions the topsoil has become dry. On such areas it is complicated to carry out agrotechnical measures to prepare the soil for sowing winter crops, sowing and the emergence of cruciferous crops. Good soil moisture at a depth of 10 centimeters is maintained in a number of areas, mainly in the northeast and in the central region of the country.
In the coming days the weather with an increased temperature regime will cause further loss of soil moisture. Due to the local nature of the expected rains, areas with a lack of moisture in the upper soil layer will expand. Only in the north-eastern part of the republic the expected precipitation will maintain sufficient moisture supply.
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