Overview of agrometeorological situation of August 18, 2020

For more than a month, the territory of Belarus has been whitnesing a deficit of precipitation that leads to a loss of moisture from the soil. As a result, the upper 10-centimeters soil layer is in a slightly moist state in most of the country. In many areas of Brest, Vitebsk and Gomel regions, as well as in places in the rest of Belarus the soil is completely dried up. Such an agrometeorological situation is unfavorable for sowing winter rape and difficult for cultivating the soil for sowing winter crops.
In the coming days, rain showers are expected in most of the territory of Belarus. Due to the varying intensity of precipitation and strong drying expected, the top of soil can be moistened only in a part of the area. There is a greater likelihood of replenishment of moisture reserves in the upper layers of the soil – in the southern and southeastern regions of the republic.