Overview of agrometeorological situation of April 21, 2023

The warm weather contributed to the implementation of measures for the care of crops, tillage, sowing of spring cereals and leguminous crops, sugar beet, flax. There are good agrometeorological conditions for the growth and development of winter cereals, rapeseed, and the regrowth of perennial grasses. According to the latest data of visual observations in most of Belarus, the upper 10-centimeter soil layer is in a moderately moist state and has warmed up to +9 +13°C, which is favorable for the germination of grain and the emergence of seedlings. Waterlogging of the topsoil is observed only in some areas of the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions.
In the coming days, agrometeorological conditions will develop quite favorably for the growth and development of agricultural crops and the implementation of the entire complex of agrotechnical measures.
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