Overview of hydrological situation of January 16, 2025

As of January 15, freeze up with polynyas is observed on the Western Dvina near the village of Surazh and on the tributary of the Pripyat river Styr near the village Lopatino. Submerged land-fast ice and ice-run are noted on the Pripyat, the Dnieper, the Berezina, on certain sections of the Western Dvina, the Neman and the Sozh, as well as on some of their tributaries and on the tributary of the Western Bug River Narev. Freeze-up is observed in the reservoirs of Vileyskoye, Chigirinskoye, Zaslavskoye, Soligorskoye, Krasnaya Sloboda and Lake Chervonoye. The lakes Naroch and Drivyaty are marked with submerged land-fast ice.
The country's rivers are dominated by an increase in water levels with an intensity of 1-15 cm per day.
In the coming days, water levels will continue to rise on most rivers. Weather conditions will contribute to the destruction of ice formations and the appearance of water on ice in the country's water bodies.

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